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Andre Frith

Unlock the Secret to More Website Traffic

Unlock the Secret to More

Website Traffic

By now everyone should know what online traffic is and what it means, but if you are not sure Website Traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. It is commonly measured in terms of visits, page views, and unique visitors. Website Traffic can be generated from various sources including search engines, social media networks, referrals from other websites, direct visits to a website, or any combination thereof. Here

I am going to give you a few tips that can incredibly increase your traffic. We would hope that the purpose of traffic most of the time comes with likes, shares, and sales!


Offer free resources:


You might think these are expensive but there are companies that let you buy them in bulk like and for you to give away. This could increase your sales by as much as 50% when used correctly.

Run contests:



Post useful infographics:


Host webinars & podcasts:



Create viral videos:



Write guest blog posts:



Create a survey or poll:



Feature influencers:




Utilize Social Media Platforms to Promote:




Leverage Email Outreach and Newsletters:


Offer incentives: Offer discounts, free shipping, or other incentives to encourage recipients to take action on your email messages by visiting your website or making a purchase from your online store. Design attractive newsletters to make them engaging with interesting content that will keep subscribers coming back for more each month while also driving traffic back to your site or blog posts to get more information related to the topic of the newsletter issue.



Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaign:

There are many places to do pay-per-click advertising. You can go to the Alexa website and or google the most visited website in your niche and see if that website offers pay-per-click or banner advertising direct. The big social media websites offer pay-per-clicks as well. Facebook, Yahoo, Bing, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, and Google to name a few.




Newspaper Print and Online Marketing:

The best way to advertise in newspapers and magazines is to use targeted advertising. This involves researching the demographics of your target audience and placing ads in publications that are likely to be read by them. You should also consider using creative ad designs, catchy headlines, and attractive images, with compelling copywriting to make your advertisement stand out from the crowd.


Publicity Stunts:

No matter how old this gets it still brings you to notice. Have an event or do something newsworthy to get free publicity from the media. Create a Unique Hashtag. Using hashtags on social media is an effective way to spread the word about your publicity stunt. Make sure it’s memorable and relevant to your brand or product.









If you have liked what you have read let us know in the comments section below and any other way you think is valuable to bring website visitors.



#SEO, #Website Optimization, #Content Marketing, #Social Media Marketing #Keyword Research, #Link Building, #Traffic Analysis, #Conversion Rate Optimization, #Landing Page Design, #Paid Advertising, #Pay-per-click advertising, #Publicity stunts, #Radio advertising, #Social media advertising, #Newspaper advertising, #Magazine advertising, #Influencer advertising, #Free tour advertising, #Contest advertising, #Give a way advertising, #Affiliate referral advertising, #Infograph advertising, #Podcast advertising, #Webinar advertising, #Video advertising, #Viral video advertising, #Guest blog advertising, #Blog advertising, #Survey advertising, #Email advertising

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